Terms & Conditions

RJselection provides its services (described below) to you through its website located at www.RJselection.com (the "Site") "Terms of Service"). We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to change or modify portions of these Terms of Service at any time without further notice. You should periodically visit this page to review the current Terms of Service so you are aware of any revision to which you are bound. If you do not agree to abide by these or any future Terms of Service, do not use or access (or continue to use or access) the Services. It is your responsibility to regularly check the Site to determine if there have been changes to these Terms of Service and to review such changes.
In addition, when using certain Services, you shall be subject to any additional terms applicable to such Services that may be posted on the Services from time to time, including, without limitation, the Privacy Policy. All such terms are hereby incorporated by reference into these Terms of Service.

Violation of these Terms
Violation of any of the terms below will result in the termination of your account. Rjselection does not allow such conduct or content on the Services, but you may still be exposed to such materials. You agree to use the Services at your own risk.

The Services:
•    Some products and services are only available online and may be in limited quantities. Returns and exchanges are only accepted in accordance with our Return Policy."
•    "Not all products and services are available in our physical stores. Some items may be available online only and in limited quantities. Please refer to our Return Policy for more information on returns and exchanges."
•    "We may have limited quantities of certain products and services available online. These items are subject to return or exchange only according to our Return Policy. Please contact us for more information."
•    "The availability of products and services online may vary. Some items may be in limited quantities and are subject to return or exchange only according to our Return Policy. We apologize for any inconvenience."
•    "We cannot guarantee the availability of all products and services online. Some items may be out of stock or in limited quantities. Please contact us for more information."

Changes to the Terms of Service
We may update these Terms of Service from time to time. If we make any material changes to these Terms of Service, we will notify you by posting a notice on the Site or by sending you an email. It is important that you review these Terms of Service regularly to stay up-to-date on any changes.

•    You must be 18 years or older to use this Service. Users are responsible for ensuring that they are of the appropriate age to use RJselection's services.
•    You agree that by using this platform, you are certifying and guaranteeing that all data provided by you is truthful and correct.

Account Registration and Use Restrictions
•    Any account found to be created by a bot or other automated method will be terminated. 
•    You may only create one account and subscribe to one plan at a time.
•    You must provide accurate information when signing up.
•    You are responsible for keeping your account secure.
•    You are responsible for all activity on your account.
•    You may not use the Service for illegal or unauthorized purposes.
•    RJselection may suspend or terminate your account for any reason.
•    Fees and payments:
•    The Seller reserves the right to change its fees at any time. If the Seller changes its fees, you will be notified of the change before it takes effect. Your continued use of the Product after the price change becomes effective constitutes your agreement to pay the changed amount.
•    You agree to provide RJselection with accurate billing information, and to update your information promptly if it changes.
•    RJselection reserves the right to change its fees at any time. If RJselection changes its fees, you will be notified at least 30 days in advance. Your continued use of the Service after the price change becomes effective constitutes your agreement to pay the changed amount.
•    Shipping charges. You may want to specify who is responsible for paying shipping charges. This could be the customer, the seller, or a combination of both.
•    Return policy. You should have a clear return policy in place so that customers know what to expect if they are not satisfied with the Home Accessories Product.
•    Refund policy. You should also have a clear refund policy in place so that customers know what to expect if they need to return the Home Accessories Product for a refund.

Cancellation and Termination
•    You are responsible for closing your account. If you no longer want to use the Service, you can cancel your subscription by accessing your personal settings page and clicking on the "Cancel Subscription" button.
•    Cancellation will take effect within 24-48 hours. To ensure that your account is canceled before the next billing cycle, please submit your cancellation request at least 3 working days before your next billing date.
•    If you do not cancel your subscription before the next billing date, you will be charged for the next billing cycle. You will not be refunded for any unused time.
•    RJselection may suspend or terminate your account at any time for any reason. If your account is terminated, you will lose all access to the Service and your data will be deleted.

•    The parties' responsibilities and liabilities that arose before the termination date will continue to apply after the termination of this agreement.
•    The obligations and liabilities that each party owes to the other party will remain in effect even after this agreement is terminated.
•    This agreement's termination will not affect the parties' rights and responsibilities that arose before the termination date.
•    The parties will continue to be responsible for their respective obligations and liabilities even after this agreement is terminated.
•    Entire agreement:
•    Our failure to enforce a right or provision under these Terms of Service does not mean that we have waived that right or provision.
•    We may still enforce our rights and provisions under these Terms of Service, even if we do not do so in every case.
•    We are not giving up any of our rights or provisions under these Terms of Service by not enforcing them.
•    Our silence or inaction does not mean that we have waived our rights or provisions under these Terms of Service.

Disclaimer of Warranties:
•    You are solely responsible for your use of the Service, including any content you access through the Service and your interactions with other users.
•    The Service is provided "as is" and "as available" without any warranties of any kind, express or implied.
•    Analisa does not warrant that the Service will be uninterrupted or error-free, or that the Service will meet your specific needs.
•    Analisa is not responsible for any losses or damages that you may incur as a result of your use of the Service, including any content you access through the Service or your interactions with other users.
•    Some jurisdictions may not allow the disclaimer of certain warranties, so some of the above disclaimers may not apply to you.
•    Limitation of Liability:
•    RJselection and its suppliers and licensors will not be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or exemplary damages, including, but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data, or other intangible losses, arising out of or relating to your use of the Service or any content.
•    Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, so the above limitation may not apply to you.


•    These Terms of Service and any separate agreements whereby we provide you Services shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of kuwait. Kuwait law is our country of domicile.
•     Contact Us

If you have any questions, please contact us at http://web.rjselection.com/contact-us 

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